
It has definitely been a minute since I have written in this space. So much has happened and time keeps marching on. Today, I received the news that I tested positive for Lyme Disease and co-infections. If you have followed my journey over the last few years, you know that our youngest daughter was diagnosed with Lyme and multi-coinfections back in April (after years of struggling). So, I get this news today… am I shocked? No, but damn did it hit me like a ton of bricks. The reality of it. The knowing.
there is so much misdiagnosis and misinformation around Lyme, altogether. I have learned so much in the last 6 months, which is what led me to even getting tested. After everything that our family has been through to get to where we are, it has been suggested to me several times that I need to write a book. I am in no way ready to do that, BUT I do want to document this journey- to help others. So, stick around.,.

“Let your freak flag fly”


I am an empath. What does that mean, you ask? I’ve been this way my entire life and I always thought I was just weird. I never shared it because I was afraid of what others’ would think of me or fear of being judged. Welp, I’m over that (sort of) and shedding that layer. In all honesty, being authentic and sharing parts of yourself that make you truly vulnerable, can be your superpower if you allow it💥Turns out, there’s more of us and it’s a real thing. I bet as you read on, you might even find that you can relate. Energy. It’s a powerful source. It’s literally everywhere. All around us, within us. Well, I feel energy from those around me all of the time. Happy, sad, angry, and everything in between. You’re sad, I feel it. You’re happy and share that with you too. Angry, scared, tired, grouchy... you bet. I take on that too. If energies clash, that’s a lot of tension. It is truly a blessing sometimes, but it can also be a curse. Taking on others’ emotions can really become heavy, so it’s important for me to release that I energy I’ve absorbed from so many. Sometimes it takes weeks, sometimes it takes an hour, but I compare it to a dry sponge that begins to absorb a liquid. Then eventually it can’t hold anymore before It begins to leak. Yeah, that’s me! The leaky sponge 😂😂😂. Big crowds? You don’t see me in often. Yeah- I can feel everyone’s energy coming at me from every angle all at once and then I’m like whoaaaaaa ✋🏼 it’s too much. I tend to not act like myself in crowds for I find it overwhelming. Small talk makes me anxious. Negativity overwhelms me. My intuition and feelings are highly sensitive. I feel most comfortable at home or in small intimate gatherings where I can truly be free to be myself. So, you could get different versions of me. The uncomfortable me or the real me. How do you know which is which? Some don’t, so I get mistaken for being stuck up. Nope, actually, I’m really shy. If I open up, it’s because I feel comfortable. I don’t share those parts with everyone. People share their souls with me. Some I know, but many are often strangers. I hear “I don’t know why I just told you that,” a lot. I connect in nature and with the elements, music, fire, and water. I need to be barefoot on the earth or in a bathtub . So, tonight, here I am. Letting it all go. Anyone feel me?

Staying Balanced with the Benefits of Yin Yoga


Why do we need Yin? I get it. You like a more vigorous practice, as do I. If you are a more power driven individual, you have plenty of Yang in your life. Hey, we do what’s in our comfort zone, what we like. I am guilty as charged. 
If this sounds familiar, Yin might be your most difficult, but necessary practice. It’s what makes us balanced & complete. 
You know, just like yin & yang - total opposites, but together = balance. 

Check out this interesting article on Yin Yoga:

Your Fascinating Fascia: How Stress Creates Chronic Contraction and How Yin Yoga Can Help



I’m here to share how adding Hemp Flower Extract to my life has helped me become a better person, a better wife, a better mom, a better friend… just better. It’s no secret that I am a Lyme Warrior. It can cause a lot of bizarre symptoms: anxiousness, memory issues, brain fog, focus issues, hearing and sight sensitivities, trouble sleeping, muscle twitching, poor muscle recovery, joint pain, inflammation, mood issues, hormonal imbalances, skin conditions, digestive troubles, sensory issues… the list goes on and on.

So many days, I didn’t feel like myself. I didn’t know how to get out of this vicious circle I had fallen into. I would “put on a happy face,” because that’s what moms do, right? We just push through- regardless. Not to mention, caring for a child that has Lyme Disease and the struggles that come with that. It was overwhelming. Everything felt out-of-balance.

I’ve been an avid user of CBD for years- ever since it became legal. I tried a lot of brands and was happy with what I was taking. I thought I was feeling the benefits of it… until I tried THIS. You know when you discover you DON’T feel a certain way anymore? That’s when the lightbulb went off for me.

There was the absence of:

🌱anxious feelings

🌱brain fog

🌱memory issues

🌱problems with focus

🌱 sleep troubles


🌱hormonal imbalance

🌱digestive troubles

🌱 mood issues

🌱 sensory issues

🌱 lack of energy

🌱 joint pain

It’s like a veil has lifted. I am so grateful for the power of plant healing and all that it has provided not only me, but my entire family (including our fur babies). Knowing that we are using the ONLY USDA Certified Organic Hemp in the US gives me the trust and confidence in knowing we are healing from the inside, out with the highest quality hemp available (and local to our area, no less)

Want to know more?


We are ALL aging, right? We can stay forever young in our hearts, but let’s face it- aging is a fact of life and whether you know it or not, it’s is a privilege. Now, do I want to take care of myself and my skin to ease the speed of aging? Absolutely! I’m personally not down for injectables, because of long term health effects and let’s face it, no one really knows what those are. No judgment if that’s your thing, but I would rather focus on eating clean, proper hydration and rest, and a good clean skincare routine. Adding collagen has also been a game-changer for skin elasticity and glow, clearer skin, lessening fine lines and wrinkles, but also easing joint pain/popping and connective tissue. CBG is the “Mother of all Cannabinoids” by helping reduce inflammation, calming irritation and redness, purifies pores, balances sebum (oil) production, assists with cellular turnover, fights cancer-causing cells, and fights bacteria (to name a few). It also is known for its energy-boosting effects which is my favorite since I don’t do caffeine 🚫not only does it give you energy, but also assists with sleep. Now, you know why it’s called “The Mother, “ because it is one multi-tasking kinda mama 🙌🏻 Im here to tell ya- if you take care of your inside, it will show on the outside…age gracefully and naturally, with me! What’s your favorite aging gracefully secret? #agegracefully #agenaturallly #preventative #takecareofyourskin #takecareofyourinside #anditwillshowontheoutside #collagen #CBG #motherofallcannabanoids #oliveleafextract #biotin #greencompass #weareallaging #itsaprivelege #greencompass #


I assumed what I was eating was safe. I assumed what I was putting on my body was safe. I assumed what I was cleaning with was safe, what I was washing our clothes in… what’s that saying ..”assuming makes an ass out of you and me,” right? Then, when I started digging into living a less toxic lifestyle, I started making some slow changes. That gave me the motivation and confidence to continue… and here we are… over 10 years later… still making changes. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing and definitely not all at once. When we do our own research, we can make our own informed decisions. Slow and steady wins the race and perfection will never happen- only progress. We can’t get it all right, all the time, but you can make small, safer shifts that will benefit you and your family for a lifetime! What safer switches have you and your family made? #saferswitches #dontlietoyourself #didntknowwhatididntknow #whenyoudothenchangeit #smallchanges #bigshifts #safer #health #hemphealth #hempbasedwellness #lesstoxiclife #research #greencompassglobal #personalcare #usdaorganiccertified

History of hemp! 11/20/22

Hemp has been traced back to before 10,000 BC when ancient civilizations used for rope imprints on pottery. The ancient Egyptians knew the medicinal properties this incredible plant has, making tinctures and teas for healing. It is said to be brought over by migrants to Europe in the 16th century where it became widely cultivated and distributed. Due to political reasons (look into this) It was made illegal in the US in 1937 with the Marijuana Tax Act. Now, mind you, Hemp and marijuana are 2 different plants. Marijuana is high in THC, low in CBD. Hemp is the opposite: high in CBD, low in THC. With the Farm Bill in 2019, hemp became legal to grow and consume again in all 50 states. We’ve come so far, but have a long way to go as far as stomping out misconceptions. Why would you not trust something that is grown naturally with healing properties VS man-made solutions? Don’t get me wrong- modern medicine has its place in this world, but over prescribing and not addressing root causes is a HUGE problem in the modern medicine arena. You are prescribed a med for a symptom that produces side effects, that you are now given other meds to treat those. The next thing you know, you are on countless meds, feeling worse than you did before and now a lifetime customer 🤯If you could help ease or diminish symptoms with something that is natural, clean and organic, why wouldn’t you START there? I’ll never understand… what’s holding YOU back from trying Hemp for healing? #imnoddinglikeiunderstand #butimnotsureido #ancienthealing #hempbasedwellness #greencompass #hemp #cbd #hempflowerextract #usdaorganiccertified

Explant update! 3/27/23

Post-Op Update: Day 3. Taking it easy and allowing my body to heal. I can’t believe these things were in me for almost 17 years to the day. I did my research at the time and felt confident that they were the “safer” option instead of silicone. Here’s the deal- the outer shell is still made of silicone, whether the inside is saline or not, so it being marketed as “safer” is actually BS. Did you know the FDA has now made it to where you must disclose the Black Box Warning on these implants prior to surgery? There’s also a checklist of risks that must be disclosed to the potential patient as well. There is also a rare type of cancer linked to these implants as well. I had my capsule sent off to be tested and will get results soon. Always do your research and don’t allow anyone to dismiss your concerns. If you slide to the second pic, after further inspecting my implants this morning, not only do they have a yellow tint, but one has MOLD growing right at the valve where the saline was added 😳 I will continue detox protocols to further heal and detox. If you know anyone that has implants that has bizarre symptoms or if you know someone that is thinking of having it done, be sure to share this with them. The more you know, the more you can make informed decisions and do what’s best for your health and body.


Feeling run down, stressed, burnt out, overstimulated, underwhelmed, or overwhelmed doesn’t have to be your every day. Why do we, as moms, put ourselves on the back burner…Doing everything for everyone, but ourselves? Then we feel all of these above and finally reach out for help… to be given a solution of… a pill. Don’t get me wrong, modern medicine has its place, BUT why do we accept this second-rate standard of care instead of actually making a change within ourselves? Change can be scary, but you know what’s scarier? Disease and chronic illness! If you don’t take steps to take care of YOU, first, your body will make sure you DO in the end. When is the last time you listened to your body? It’s sending you cues, all day, every day… that nagging headache, your skin irritations, your fatigue, your digestive tract, your libido, your focus, your mood… ALL of those are clues to what is going on INSIDE your body. Be sure to listen… it offers a lot of wisdom. When you take a pill to cover up those clues, it not only confuses your body, but it also dulls your natural intuition as to what may be going on deeper… not to mention the sometimes awful side effects that come with it (that can be even worse than what you were originally taking it for). We we’re given that intuition for a reason… WE are our own best advocates for our bodies and our health! There is a better, safer, more holistic way! What natural ways of healing do you incorporate into your life? Let’s hear from you…#bringtheaction #feelbetternaturally #intutionnotprescriptions #dontdullyourintuition #hempbasedwellness #takecareofyou #neednotaluxury #greencompass #moms

What’s your dream? 3/15/23

We all dreamt of what we would become as children, but do you still ? I never grew up dreaming of becoming a network marketer. My dreams of being on stage performing, however, DID come true! That all happened with hard work, dedication, perseverance and a little luck. Performing isn’t forever though. The tide shifted and I leaned into teaching others to fulfill their dreams of performing. Other opportunities arose after many years and I shifted focus once again- still teaching others but how to live their best lives- inside and out. I never knew that network marketing could be for me, but I gave it a shot and guess what? It’s so much like my very first dream- how I got here… hard work, determination and perseverance… no luck required- just consistency. How do you know it’s NOT for you? You won’t ever know until you try! Network Marketing is the #1 job currently. It’s flexible, it’s fun, it’s rewarding, and it’s given me SO much freedom. I don’t do anything that’s a waste of my time. We are ALL busy. We make time for what is important, for what inspires us, for what lights a fire within us…I GET to do this? Don’t ever stop dreaming, because it IS possible. Somebody pinch me! Do YOU enjoy helping others? What’s your dream? #helpothers #getpaidtodoit #whatsyourdream #sidegig #hempbasedwellness #dontstopdreaming #networkmarketing #dreamcometrue #notawasteoftime #yougetwhatyougive #whatsyourdream #greencompass #advocate #freedom #flexibility #fun #community #performer #stillgettodothat #inmyownway #letschat


Why does everyone get SO uncomfortable when you being up sexual health? It’s the “dirty little secret” no one wants to talk about but it’s a HUGE industry and one we need to address. Might I add that “thing” no one wants to talk about… sold out in 6 DAYS! So, there’s that. Overall health includes sexual health. As we age, this can become an issue, because of hormonal imbalances, side effects of medications, stress, just to name a few. Personal lubricants are FULL of toxic ingredients that are harmful to our bodies and have NO place near our nether regions 😳talk about an imbalance? When our Founder traveled around the US and asked what future products people were wanting, guess what the NUMBER 1 request was? Yep, you guessed it. So, why do we get all embarrassed about it? Want to know more? It enhances pleasure, increases sensation and is great for together or alone. Oh and guess what else? It’s an amazing HAIR MASK! Yep! It’s USDA certified organic jojoba seed oil, organic fractionated coconut oil and hemp flower extract! Give it a try-! So, I’ll take the horrified looks from everyone in the room. I’ll just take that as a challenge 😂 #intimacyoil #horrifedlooks #sexualhealth #usdaorganic #fco #hfe #jojobaseed #safeandgentle #dontusetoxicproductsthere #oranywhereforthatmatter #greencompass

3/24/23 Today marks 1 month since I had explant surgery. I’ve had SO many of you reach out with questions and messages of support. I am feeling great and slowly starting to get back into my full routine. I haven’t been fully cleared, as of yet, so I’m still not doing heavy lifting and no pushing or pulling due to muscle repair. I also got my capsulectomy report back and all is clear for Lymphoma- only extreme calcification of one capsule. I am continuing to detox with fresh celery juice and pineapple juice and am eating extremely clean (which is nothing new). I was able to manage my pain in the very beginning with only CBD and CBDA, which I continue to take daily. I’m also consistent about scar treatment and massage with essential oils and am already impressed at the healing that is happening. It’s been 17 years since I had major surgery prior to this (when I had them put in), so I was a little unsure of what to expect as far as recovery and healing. If you take care of your body before and after, your body will thank you for it. I am feeling great and so thankful and grateful to be able to get these out of me and allow my body to fully heal! I’ve accepted my new look and will continue to embrace the changes that come my way ❤️ thanks for being here and following my journey along the way. #BII #Lymewarrior #explant #capsulectomy #implants #breastaugmentatipn #doyoureesearch #blackboxwarning #1monthpostop

What IS Hemp? 4/1/23

Wth is in this, you ask? I can tell you, it’s NOT a placebo and it’s surely not crack 😂. Hemp flower extract is NOT marijuana and it doesn’t get you high. Hemp is the closing to marijuana (different plant). An easy way to remember- MJ- high THC, low CBD. Hemp - high CBd, low THC. It’s non-psychoactive and available in both full and broad spectrum. Many of my clients who are reluctant to try it are amazed when they get results, naturally. Your body knows how to heal if you give it the right environment to do so. So, now you know what it’s not, let’s talk about what it IS…it only contains USDA Certified Organic Hemp Flower Extract and fractionated coconut oil- that’s it! No fillers, no pesticides, no herbicides, no fungicides, no heavy metals, harmful ingredients or mold. Our ECS (Endocannabinoid System) naturally produces cannabinoids. Over time, your ECS becomes depleted, causing other systems of the body to become out of balance, causing symptoms such as: sleep issues, stress, mood issues, anxiousness, autoimmune issues, fatigue, digestive troubles, skin issues, pain, inflammation, etc. Hemp flower extract is a phytocannabinoid, meaning a natural supplement to replace the cannabinoids that were lost. Do you take B12? Vitamin C, D3, probiotics, iron, etc? This is NO different! Why wouldn’t you naturally supplement what your body needs for total balance/homestasis? What issues do you currently struggle with and do you supplement? #wthisinthis #notaplacebo #notcrack #phytocannabinoid #ECS #homeostasis #totalbalance #whatdoyoustrugglewith #icanhelp #askmeanything #hfe #greencompass #hempflowerpower #planthealing #hopeinhemp

TMI? 4/2/23

There’s never TMI when it comes to health. HOW your body works is a key indicator to your overall health. It’s constantly sending you signs- the important part is to LISTEN! It never lies. Don’t ever leave out important details when it comes to: digestion, bathroom habits, diet, water intake, supplements, medications, and exercise regimen. Now, your physician is most likely not asking about all of these, but let’s get candid and ask yourself… how often are you getting outside in the sunshine? How often are you exercising? How often do you go to the bathroom? How’s your sleep? How much screen time? What are you eating? Your diet isn’t just what you are eating, but also who you surround yourself with, what you watch, what you listen to, what you read etc. is the information you are taking in positive or negative? Trust me, it matters. These are all major pieces of the puzzle to your overall health. You can’t expect to feel 100% when you aren’t treating your body 100%. Changing your habits can be hard, but taking it one step at a time is doable. What’s one thing you want to change this year? There’s no time like the present to begin your health journey. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.. I can help. #tmi #healthandwellness #hempowerextract #neverenoughinfo #gethonestwithyourself #moveyourbody #healthydiet #whatweconsumematters #listentoyourbody #itsendssignals #besuretolisten #healthjourmey #healthylifestyle #healthadvocate #hempflowerextract

The Importance of USDA Certified Organic


If your CBD isn’t USDA certified organic nor 3rd party lab tested… “don’t like thaaaaaaaaaat…” you need to look into other brands that ARE! HOW the hemp grown and WHERE the hemp is grown is extremely important. Do you know that about YOUR brand? If your brand is doing it’s own lab testing and reporting, how honest do you really think they are going to be? 9 out of 10 bottles on the shelves today are mislabeled, so you aren’t getting what you think you are. Green Compass is vertically integrated, meaning we have control of every step of the process: 6th generation organic farmers in Chadbourn, NC, organic/non GMO seed selection, planting, soil and water testing, hand harvesting, CO2 extraction from the hemp plant, bottling, and shipped right to your door from Wilmington, NC. Go with a brand you know and trust- honesty, safety, transparency, and the highest quality are MUSTS when it comes to hemp health and wellness! Need help sifting through it all? #hempwellness #usdaorganiccertified #greencompass #doyourresearch #brandyouknowandtrust #verticallyintegrated #6thgenerationfarmers #localhemp #hopeinhemp #planthealing #ecs #transparency #safety #quality #icanhelpyousiftthroughit


I did NOT need another job. I’m a mom, wife, yoga instructor, safer personal care educator, advocate for less toxic lifestyles, and Lyme advocate, so one can say I “wear a lot of hats.” Adding another hat wasn’t something I was looking for…. BUT- What I couldn’t deny is what this little plant has done for me and also for my family. What I couldn’t deny is that I feel better than I have literally in years and hemp flower extract was THAT missing piece of the puzzle. What I couldn’t deny is the amazing community that comes along with this. What I couldn’t deny is how SO many people are struggling today, just like we were. What I couldn’t deny is people are looking for other options. What I couldn’t deny is that the hemp industry is BOOMING- projected to be almost a $50 BILLLION industry by 2025! What I couldn’t deny is Green Compass is paving the way for all other companies to aspire to. What I couldn’t deny is that GC is a newer company (4 years old) with less than 17,000 advocates (only about 6,000 actively working the market) so I joined at the ground floor level… and you can too! There are some AMAZING advocate promos happening right now… want to know more? #hempwellnessadvocate #cantdenythefacts #didntneedanotherjob #couldntsayno #sogratefulisaidyes #youcantoo #joinme #community #groundflooropportunity #advocatepromo #greencompass #changeyourlifephysicallyandfinancially #saferoptions #struggling

Is it magic? 4/7/23

It might FEEL like magic, but it works like science. This isn’t snake oil, it isn’t a placebo… it’s the REAL DEAL. Balancing the ECS is the key to making the “magic” happen. By balancing the ECS, it “directs and connects” to all other systems of the body. It’s so important to take consistently. I know I can truly tell a difference if I miss a dose… the anxious feelings, the aches and pains, the mood swings, the brain fog… slowly starts to creep back. HOW you take it is also extremely important. Most people that don’t have success is simply because of user error. Having someone to help you guide yourself along the way is so very helpful. I educate you on how it works and how to take it. You don’t get that everywhere you buy CBD. When starting, it’s important to start low and slow to see what your body needs. You start by: shaking the bottle, squeezing at least 3/4 dropperfull (depending on mg) and drop under the tongue. You hold under the tongue for at least a minute (2 if you can) and then swallow the excess. You are absorbing it sublingually into the salivary glands right into the bloodstream this way. No food or drink for at least 15 minutes, but if you can wait longer, even better. That’s it! Twice a day, every day for a month can deliver results, but for some, it can take a little longer. Patience and consistency is key. Depending on your deficiencies and imbalances, we can adjust your dosage along the way to tailor it to your needs. Whoa tried CBD in the past and not found success? #letschat #icanhelp #hempowerextract #sublingual #consistency #patience #ecs #balancethebodynaturally #notaplacebo #notsnakeoil #feelslikemagic #butitsscience #calmtothestorm #directsandconnects #hwmpbasedwellness #advocate #letmehelpyou #feelyourbest

Coffee anyone? 4/8/23

Believe it or not, I used to drink about a pot of coffee a day! My adrenals were shot, my anxiety was through the roof, I was jittery and then came the crash. November of 21, I was diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease with multiple tick borne co-infections. I did a MAJOR overhaul to what I was consuming. I already had a pretty clean lifestyle with mostly plant based but I relied heavily on carbs and caffeine. What I didn’t know was the gluten is extremely inflammatory and coffee beans can harbor mold 🙈I knew that if I wanted to begin to heal, I had to do a complete overhaul. That meant also eliminating gluten, refined sugars and coffee. As much as it hurt my heart and honestly… overwhelmed me, I cut it out- cold turkey. Was it easy? Nope. Was it necessary? Yep! It was my first step on my path to healing…Making a change for the better starts with you. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, but if you are experiencing health issues, have you looked at what you are consuming? When is the last time a physician asked you what you eat? #dietmatters #adrenalfatigue #anxiety #jittery #crash #coffee #glutenfree #dairyfree #refinedsugarfree #plantbased #soyfree #antiinflammatorydiet #byebyecoffee #ijustsmellcoffeenow #pathtoheal #onestepatatime #consume #healingjourney

Healing is a journey... 4/8/23

If you notice, I’ve never said I am “sick,” but that I’m “healing.” Now, I have my moments, just like everyone else , you if you are “acting a fool” I’ll let ya know 😂 Seriously though… there is no final destination and I know my journey can and will change daily. It’s up to me to listen and learn from my body- what I put in it, what I put on it, what I expose myself to, who I choose to surround myself with, what I watch, what I listen to, etc. All of this affects me deeply and guess what? It affects you too, but if you aren’t tuned in to yourself, you may not be able to tune in to what your body is saying. It starts out as a whisper, then a little louder, then louder and louder until it becomes a full of scream! Making changes for the better might be more expensive, but guess what’s even more costly? Sickness. Chromic Disease. Autoimmune Disorders. Don’t wait until your body is screaming. I know it can be overwhelming to make healthier, happier shifts in your life. Take it one step at a time. I am always here to offer support and guidance. There is strength and success in numbers. Health is a lifestyle 🌱#healing #journey #lifestyle #nofinaldestination #diet #whatyouconsume #whatyoueat #whatyouwatch #whoyousurroundwith #whisper #louder #scream #thebodykeepsscore #sickness #disease #chronic #autoimmune

Sourcing, Safety and Transparency, oh my!


Please, whatever you do, please do NOT get your CBD products from gas stations, grocery stores or vape shops! Not only do you not know what you are getting, but you also aren’t getting any guidance on how to take it or how much to take. This can lead to an unpleasant experience or absolutely no effect at all. That’s why you reach out to me for a free consult. We will talk about main concerns, what you hope to achieve and recommendations will be made based on your needs. You get tailored dosage, as well as, direct contact with me during the whole process. You don’t get that at the gas station, grocery store or vape shop! I care about helping you become your best self and not slinging a product. I care about the cleanest products out there. I care about how and where this Hemp was grown. I care that it is local to our area. I care about transparency, safety and quality. Can you say that about these other places? Experience Green Compass. You’ll see and feel the difference 🌱#greencompass #terribleadvice #dontbuyyourcbdatgasstations #orgrocerystores #orvapeshops #trythisinstead #reachouttome #consult #justforyou #healingthroughhemp #hopeinhemp #cbd #hempflowerextract

9/13/23 “CBD didn’t work for me…”

A common statement I hear from those that are skeptical about how hemp flower extract can benefit them is “I’ve tried CBD and it didn’t work for me.” Well, there is a very simple explanation for this. Chances are, what you thought you were taking, was not the best quality. Why? Because the current regulations for safety and quality can’t keep up with the boom of this industry (change IS coming but you have to know what to look for). Don’t buy it from just anywhere. Sourcing is EXTREMELY important! Another common mistake is that you didn’t take it long enough for results. Depending on your body’s imbalances (and everyone’s are unique) it can take some time. Nothing with a “quick fix” will give you long lasting results. Balance takes time- especially if your symptoms have been with you for a long time. Balancing your body can take time and patience. It can take tweaking and it can take trial and error. It’s extremely helpful to consult with someone that understands how the ECS works, as well as, how hemp flower extract can benefit your health. It’s possible to take not enough or too much- both can leave you with little to no results. If you don’t have someone you know or trust that can help guide you through this process, it’s easy to say it doesn’t work and then just give up. I get it. Did you know I give free consults? I can do in-person or via zoom/FaceTime. Have you tried it? What were your results? #oops #letmehelp #medicalcannabisadvisor #itworks #letmeshowyou #properdosage #ittakestime #ecs #hopeinhemp #consult